Album: Uphill Battle
Genero: Mathcore
Link to Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/36388780/Uphill_Battle-2002-Uphill_Battle.rar
01. Next On The Misery List
02. Bleeding Morals
03. The Stench Is Spreading
04. Ripped Off Face
05. Forked Tongue
06. Memory
07. Climate Control
08. Old
09. Playing Dead
Banda desgraçada de boa! Acho que vcs vão gostar bastante! Ela começou em 1999, mas esse disco é o mais foda deles! A mídia estrangeira a compara com um "converge" mais grind! kkkkk
2 comentários:
Hey. I downloaded the file with no problems, but the rar file itself is password protected. Any idea what it is? Thanks, I can't find this album anywhere O.o
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